Maria works as a home help for elderly people. Her dream is to see her grandson become a great pianist. To pay for the piano, she steals, here and there, small sums of money from the people she takes care of with devotion. Until the day charges are pressed against her for abuse of vulnerable adults…

- Robert Guédiguian
- Fiction
- 2024
- France
- 1h38
- Ariane Ascaride
- Jean-Pierre Darroussin
- Gérard Meylan
- Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet
- Marilou Aussilloux
- Lola Naymark
Scénario |
Image |
Son |
Décors |
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Montage |
Musique |
Production |
Partenaires |
Distribution | Diaphana |
Sortie en salles | 29/01/2025 |
Ventes internationales | Playtime |