Anna Hallgrimsdottir lives in Reykjavik with her two sons.Fed up with the coldness of Iceland, she decides to sell her business to be able to move out of the country.Her business, selling dope, is prosperous, she wants a good price out of it… the dealer whom she’ll hand it over to (as well as her mobile: that’s how her customers reach her and order the amount they need) tells her he’ll have the money within 48 hours. Meanwhile, Anna gets involved in all kinds of “Icelandic familial adventures” and her kitchen fills up with customers/friends, partying, while waiting for her to come back, and sell them their daily grass.

- Sólveig Anspach
- Fiction
- 2007
- 1h32
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Set design |
Costumes |
Editing |
Original score |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | LE PACTE |
Theatrical release | 20/08/2008 |
International seller | Bac Films |