An odd miller, Cornelius, settles in a small village at the end of the world to build a mill. At first well received, the stranger soon reveals a surprising secret: every night he is baying at the moon, preventing the inhabitants from sleeping. When the villagers decide to chase him away, Carmen, the mayor’s daughter and charming horticultural adviser, decides to fight with Cornelius to defend his freedom and their budding love.

- Yann Le Quellec
- Fiction
- 2016
- 1h47
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Set design |
Costumes |
Editing |
Original score |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Ad Vitam |
Theatrical release | 05/02/2018 |
International seller | Films Boutique |
Video editor | Ad Vitam |
© Frédéric Louradour