The world… Marseilles… the northern suburbs… Estaque. Marius and Jeannette are in the prime of their lives. Marius lives alone in an enormous abandoned cement works overlooking the neighborhood. He is the caretaker of this soon to be demolished factory. Jeannette is bringing up her two children alone on her meagre check-out girl’s salary. She lives in a tiny house which opens onto a courtyard, typical of Mediterranean architecture. Her neighbors, Caroline and Justin, Monique and Dédé encourage her amidst laughter and rowdy arguments. The encounter between Marius and Jeannette will not be easy. Beyond the difficulties that stem from their social situation, they have been damaged… by life. The film describes the renaissance of their ability to be happy. This popular romance will have a happy ending because…it must. We have to re-enchant the world.

- Robert Guédiguian
- Fiction
- 1997
- 1h42
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Set design |
Editing |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Diaphana |
Theatrical release | 11/10/1997 |
International seller | Mercure International |