Their lonely hearts ads were badly written. They should never have met. And yet, when they came face to face, he had only one thing in mind : seducing her. To do so, he would have to listen, without batting an eye, to the strange stories told by this slightly loony Sheherazade… For her, he’d do anything…- “The Paranoid Connection” by Alain Robak – “Night of Essence” by Manuel Flèche – “Panic F.M.” by Anita Assal and John Hudson – “Retreat” by Yann Piquer – “Sado and Maso Go
on a Boat Trip” by Alain Robak – “Happy Birthday!” by Yann Piquer

- Anita Assal
- Manuel Fleche
- John Hudsony
- Yann Piquer
- Alain Robak
- Fiction
- 1993
- 1h20
Photography |
Editing |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Manitou |