• Michel Leclerc
  • Documentary
  • 2019
  • 1h49

This is the story of a couple who could not have children, yet who had hundreds of them.
It is the story of intellectuals, anarchists, pacifists, trade unionists and feminists.
It is the story of a couple of Resistance fighters who were mistaken for collaborators.
It is the story of Yvonne and Roger Hagnauer, whom everyone called Gull and Penguin.
It is the story of the Sèvres Children’s Home, a unique experiment in freedom, pedagogy and openness to the world.
And it is also my story since my mother, saved by this couple, spent her entire childhood in this home.

  • Loïc Mahé
  • Baya Kasmi
  • Yolande Decarsin
  • Marianne Roussy
  • Marion Papinot
  • Olivier Guillaume
  • Marie Molino
Original score
  • Jean-Christophe Gairard
  • Ex Nihilo
  • Muriel Meynard
Distribution Sophie Dulac Distribution
Theatrical release 03/11/2021
International seller The Party Film Sales
Video editor Sophie Dulac Distribution
Awards Prix de la Critique, Festival 2 Valenciennes 2021

From the same director