Stanislas Graff, a man of industry and power, is kidnapped one ordinary morning outside his building by a group of thugs. This marks the start of an ordeal that will last several weeks. Amputated, humiliated and denied his humanity, he resists by not letting his captors gain any leverage over him. He accepts everything without protest, without crying out, without complaint, responding to barbarity with dignity. Cut off from the world, receiving only snatches of information from his captors, Graff does not understand why no one wants to pay the ransom that would free him. Outside, his world is crumbling as his personality is revealed. Everything that he had managed to keep private, his personal world, is revealed to his family by the police investigation or by the press. People discover a man who is light worlds away from the one they imagined.

- Lucas Belvaux
- Fiction
- 2008
- 2h05
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Set design |
Costumes |
Editing |
Original score |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Diaphana |
Theatrical release | 18/11/2009 |
International seller | Films Distribution |