This film is a voyage through the memories of Louis Mauberret who was a miner, union leader and mayor of La Mure (in Isère). Mauberret was a well-placed observer of the battles that raged on the Matheysian Plain, in the heart of the Alps, during almost a century. Born in 1903, his mischievious outlook and unusual integrity allow us to explore a chapter of our history accompanied by its participants : those who stood tall “in this gray century”, those who continue fighting today against the closing of a maternity hospital and the mine, against the economic and social death of their region.The director, herself a miner’s daughter, presents us with intimate interviews, weaving together testimonies of the reality today, stories about the history of yesterday as well as the legends of forever.

- Christiane Rorato
- Documentary
- 1998
- 58 min
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Doc & Film international |