The psychiatry department of a young doctor Cora has just admitted a young lady who refuses to speak and whose identity remains unknown. Cora becomes fond of her patient and establishes a relationship which goes beyond the usual course of treatment. She feels a kind of “call” from this woman as a strange and strong lie grows between them.One day, Cora learns that the identity of her patient has been discovered. Her name
is Loa, she is a stranger, she has been sent back home…to Iceland. Cora, who had no idea of this woman’s life outside their relationship, is deeply moved: she decides to meet up with her in order to finish the treatment.

- Sólveig Anspach
- 2003
- 1h34
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Diaphana |
Theatrical release | 19/11/2003 |
International seller | Mercure International |
Video editor | Blaq out |