On a hot evening of june, 1969, the police raids the “Stonewall Inn”, a gay bar in New York City. Nothing out of the ordinary, since homosexuals were then often persecuted. But that night, the clients decided to fight back against the police forces all night long. This event is the starting point of a movement that would lead to the decriminalization of homosexuality in many countries in the world.
In the history of gays and lesbians, Stonewall is a tipping point. For up until that event, it was complicated to talk about homosexuality in movies, in music, even in literature. However, some writers, artists, but also private citizens, gave birth to a burgeoning gay culture that is hard to imagine today, since our collective memory has erased the very possibility of a homosexual expression before sexual liberation! The first chapter of Inside/Out will explore these “hidden” years, the underground culture as well as a culture of gay subtexts, still very much alive today.
Since the evolution of LGBT rights (Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) has accompanied the evolution of a gay culture that gradually managed to express itself more freely, the second part will tell the story of the “after Stonewall”: how gay culture came out of the closet, and into the mainstream.

- Maxime Donzel
- Documentary
- 2014
- 2 x 52 min
Production |
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