The story takes place in Liège, Belgium, today.It’s the story of four men, a woman and a child who don’t all know each other and who are brought together by fate. It’s a story
that begins in a warm atmosphere. Human warmth, the warmth of summer, the warmth of a bar where the men meet to play cards.It’s a story about the sense of propriety that prevents people from talking about their suffering until it’s too late. It’s a story in which the money lacking in one place is all too visible in another.It’s the story of people who can’t go on, worn down, broken and exhausted by work.It’s also the story of people who have none now. No work, no hope, no future, and who cling to their memories and the lies of the past.It’s the story of three men who dream that something is still possible, in spite of everything.It’s the story of men who take up arms to go and find money where it lies, in other men’s pockets because they feel they have a right to it!It’s a story of tears, bullets and blood. In which the children aren’t the only ones who weep.A story without good guys and bad guys. A story of the weak and the strong. In which all of them have their reasons, in which they all pick sides. It’s a story in which some will die while others will survive but which will leave no one unscathed.

- Lucas Belvaux
- Fiction
- 2006
- 1h56
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Set design |
Costumes |
Editing |
Original score |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Diaphana |
Theatrical release | 19/07/2006 |
International seller | Mercure International |