21:07 GMT, somewhere in the English Channel: a supertanker, the “Magnificent”, 400,000 tonnes of crude oil, 350 meters long, runs aground on the Casquets reef. The rocks tear through the double hull and the ship is going to sink, causing yet another oil slick.In Brussels, Emma Caglione, a young Green member of the European Parliament, works hard with the official commission of inquiry: Emma soon discovers that the cargo of crude oil had just been acquired secretly by “Oil&Co”, a multinational group whose number 3, Balthazar Parédès, is her father…

- Jean-Christophe Delpias
- Fiction
- 2011
- 1h37
Screenplay |
Photography |
Sound |
Set design |
Editing |
Original score |
Production |
Coproduction |
Distribution | Europe Image International |
International seller | Europe Image International |
© Patrick Muller